Emotional Intelligence in Software Testers

Bisma Latif
4 min readFeb 1, 2022

Emotional intelligence refers to,

understanding our own emotions and how to use this knowledge to deal effectively with people and problems to reduce anger and hostility and create an atmosphere of collaboration to produce positive energy (Daniel Goleman).

Emotional intelligence is one of the most needed people management skills, but how it relates to software testing? Well, for many, it’s just testing, right? Finding bugs, knowing requirements, and ensuring a product delivery meets client requirements. In fact, many people think software testers are some rigid personnel with a role to just find the “bugs.”

software tester meme

But as much as it is easy to say and think that software testing is just mere finding bugs, it is so much more than that. Let’s think of the basic software tester’s behavior. Software testing is although to find bugs in a system. It also ensures that those bugs and issues are communicated to people effectively. The role of the software tester is to break and disrupt things to determine their true quality. They have this inherent need to ask a question. In fact, the same question in a million ways to just get the right answer. Software testers criticize the product and requirements for getting to the bottom of the business logic.

But the question is, how is software testing related to emotional intelligence?

Well, there is a huge connection between emotional intelligence and software testing. But before we dive into the connection, let’s understand that emotional intelligence has various interpersonal and intrapersonal skills that are essential people skills for testers. The skills include empathy, self-awareness, personal leadership, self-regulation, social skills, motivation, and relationship management.

The biggest happiness for a tester is to know that they find a bug in an application. However, as much as it makes the tester happy, developers are disappointed and frustrated at times. Along with finding bugs within the application, one of the biggest tasks the testers need is to tell developers those bugs and what negative cases they should focus on. Being critical and criticizing others is part of their job.

Meme showing difference in opinion for tester and developer. Tester sees 9 whereas developer sees 6 from the opposite side.

High emotional intelligence indicates better communication with the team, especially developers. Their ability to communicate with facts and figures, along with the ability to understand perspective, makes software testing an important part of the software development process. The tester has to bear the burden of releasing the build and informing the developer about the bug during every release. Therefore, they have to do all these tasks by remaining calm and motivated to provide what’s best for the customer/client.

Consider an example where the developer can get a little defensive of the bugs reported by the tester. The tester needs to be highly professional and avoid any personal attack in such a situation. The focus must be the issue at hand, and therefore, politeness is the key to go. Moreover, it is important to listen to the developer’s concerns in such a situation. Hearing their opinion might open new perspectives for you. Most importantly, don’t rush them, instead motivate them.

Emotional intelligence helps in following traits, namely, increased team performance, increased leadership activity, improved decision making, decreased occupational stress, increased personal well-being, and reduced staff turnover.
Image by HR-Grazette

As much as IQ is important to get a job, EQ helps you have better relations and overall team management. As said by, A good IQ can get you a job, but a good EI can get you promoted.

How to improve your EI as a software tester?

  1. Try to have a better understanding of your feelings.
  2. Write, write, and write what you want to convey.
  3. Ensure that your message/bug reporting has both subject & object. In addition, it has clear details with screenshots & videos.
  4. Understand the personality of individuals on your team and deal accordingly. Remember that defensive dev? Deal with them accordingly.
  5. Being empathetic is not that hard. Therefore, try to place yourself in the developer’s place.
  6. Read, read, and read. The more you read, the better clarity you have to convey your ideas and thoughts.

So yes, software testing is more than finding bugs. It requires people management skills that many people overlook while getting into the role of a software tester.



Bisma Latif

A writer, coder, and an avid reader, who puts her soul in everything she does!